Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What a day......

I just have to vent today.....it has been a very long day! It started out well....I went to the ear doctor and had my clogged ears cleaned out.....yuck but yay!!! The the boys and I went to lunch with Aunt Ashley. Then she watched Levi at her office so I could go to costco...thanks Ash! So that was all good. Then I got home. And the screaming started. Lucas would not stop crying! I dont know what was going on but he was so unhappy. He would not eat well, or sleep longer than 5 minutes at a time. The only time he was not SCREAMING was when i was standing up holding him face out bouncing. And of course this was all happening while Levi was throwing his raviolli lunch all over the wall. And I was trying to get some Scentsy stuff done online. So I finally shut off the computer, put Luke down(while he was still screaming) cleaned the mess off the wall... and focused on what Luke needed. I still dont know what that is. He is sleeping now....finally. Another thing that has made this day so hard id that we are taking Levi off the bottle.....Why would any parent give their child a bottle if they knew how hard it is to get them off of it?!?! He is so sad all the time and is walking aroung saying "BA BA BA BA" bawling his little head off. This is hard, but it has to be done. So now I know I will be having long week or so. Everyone feel sorry for me:)


chelsea and Jeremy said...

If you need me to i'll take levi.... I have to start getting Ady off a bottle when she sleeps. not looking forward to that.

Bryce and Jamie said...

It sounds like you have your hands full!!! I just wanted to let you know that I think I'm coming tonight, but it will only be for a minute because I'm tending Casie's kids for her @ 7. Thanks for inviting me. :)

Angela said...

Man! What a day. Well if you need a break we are having a bridal shower this Saturday at noon. It will be at my Aunt's house. Give me a call if you can come. Hopefully it will be relaxing! If you email me I can send the information angelaleejo@gmail.com. I hope the rest of your day goes better!

Anonymous said...

Awe Erin... It sounds like you need a night with the girls. Leave babies with daddy and let's go out! Not just dinner, we should go shopping, or to a movie and dinner... something fun!

NickandAnnette said...

I know those days Erin. I have a hard time with one sometimes. I can't imagine two. I tagged you on my blog. "high school tag". Check it out.