Well here we are, the final countdown. After two physical exams we have discovered that I am 3 cm dialated and 80% effased. We have decided to push forward the induction date to the 21st. Yes, that means that in 11 days from today we will have our little baby Lucas with us! I still cant believe how fast this has flown. I am getting so excited to see him and see what he looks like. I am deffinently more than ready to have this pregnancy over. I am feeling more and more pressure every day and now I can barely walk without being in so much pain. I waddle like i have a broken hip or something. My boys sit so low, i figure they want to start the torture as soon as possible, so they start before they are even out. I think he is just as ready to come out as i am ready to have him out. So common baby Lucas!!!! Get out of me:)
Tante celli
9 years ago
Oh how excruciating!! Poor you my dear! i bet you just cant wait, and i cant wait because we all know how cute he is going to be!! I love horseshoes now by the way. Im sure that once you arent prego any more you will be at the top of your game my dear!!
Yay Erin.. This is so exciting!!! Sorry your in pain! It will be so worth it! Love you!
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